

Which one of these shades do you prefer?

During the next season the skin colour remains natural, with some bluse on cheeks. This kind of make up has the purpose to enlight the natural beauty.
Lips are enhanced by pink, ruspberry and honey colour lip gloss; blush has to be choosen in a shade similar to our skin colour.
Eyes will be the real protagonist in make up: deep and flashy, with a smokey chocolate or purple, that repropose the traditional black/grey smokey eyes make up in warmer nuance.
But also pink: from very light and baby pink to peony and cyclamen colour. Then fuxia for who loves to be noticed. A colour that is perfect for every one: in delicate shades for blond women, whereas the ones with brown and brunette hair can dare more blushing shades. For example, if you make up your lips in a intense and shiny colour, you should make lighter your eye.
Chi sono
Erica Ventura, fondatrice di StyleNotes.it, web writer, editor e blogger Amo il bello e provo a circondarmene in ogni aspetto della mia vita. Credo fermamente nell’utilità delle liste e che il mix vincente in ogni cosa sia composto da semplicità, equilibrio e un piccolo dettaglio a contrasto. La mia casa, il mio guardaroba e quel che metto nel piatto ne sono la conferma.

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