

Giulielleria by Giulia Boccafogli

After a break of some months, I want to start again to publish my interviews to fashion and accessories designers.
This time I interview Giulia Boccafogli, a 29 years old architect, born and grown up in Bologna (Italy). After the degree in 2006 she started to create very particolar jewels as a second job.
She has taken part in many events, special occasions and fashion shows creating collections inspirited to particular themes.

– Which are your favourite fashion designer and why?

– I have not one favourite designer because I prefer to find the beauty in each creation. Then my style is quite changeable. But if I have to choose someone in particolar, I’ve loved the last year Prada collection. I like so much also Anna Sui and her folk-romantic style, and the elegance of Alberta Ferretti. I like also young designers and handmade items by Cinzia Ornato, Silvia Mazzoli, Vivian Lorca and Drica Dias.
I love to mix griffes and no brand clothes, also bought in street markets during my trips in India, Thailandia and Australia.


– How and when did your passion for fashion start?
– I’ve always loved creativity on fashion acccessories. The specific passion for jewels was born 10 years ago but just in last 4 years it has became a job.

– What do you create?
– I create jewels called “Giulielli” (as my name, Giulia). I have created six collections with different materials such as linoleum, silver, steel, semi-precious stones, mother-of-pearls, copper, silk, vintage buttons: Fragranza, Essenza, Multipop, Silk Shapes, Spezia and Minimal Chic.


– How do you describe your collections?
– I think that the perfect definition for my creations is “ductile”. I don’t want to choose one single style. Every single jewel is carefully made, well-framed and colourful.

– How do your creations come into existence?

– My creations always come into existence for a specific project. At the base of it there is an inspiration that can come from the pictures of a trip, or also from the problem of how to use a specific material. Sometimes far places inspire me; other times some tipe of materials, also unusual for jewels.


You can see all the collections by Giulia Boccafogli on her web site or on her blog.


In Italy, you can buy her creations in some shops:
BOLONDON – via Santo Stefano 12/a, Bologna
MATTA E GOLDONI – via delle Moline 1-C, Bologna
CONFEZIONI PARADISO via dell’Inferno 12, Bologna
FASHION STREET – Via Ronco Maruni 28, San Lazzaro di Savena (Bologna)
LIVELLO 16 – via dell’Aprica 16, Milano
PANPEPATO –  via Solari 2/A, Milano
LITTLE BLACK DRESS – via S.Agostino 5, Caserta
SALLY – Corso Vittorio Emanuele 9, Noto (SR)
LE PREZIOSE – vicolo del Campanile 2, Sassari


Chi sono
Erica Ventura, fondatrice di StyleNotes.it, web writer, editor e blogger Amo il bello e provo a circondarmene in ogni aspetto della mia vita. Credo fermamente nell’utilità delle liste e che il mix vincente in ogni cosa sia composto da semplicità, equilibrio e un piccolo dettaglio a contrasto. La mia casa, il mio guardaroba e quel che metto nel piatto ne sono la conferma.

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