

Some weeks ago on Nineteen74 I find the creations of a talented womenswear designer from Denmark. Her name is Trine Wackerhausen; 34 years old, born and grown up in Copenagen.
She has studied at the Beckmans School of Design in Stockholm (Sweden). Now, as owner of Wackerhaus, she creates new collections 2 times/year. She has also presented her SS09 and AW09 Wackerhaus collections during the Copenaghen Fashion Week.

-Which are your favourite fashion designer/brand?
-I adore Yves Saint Laurent and Anne Valérie Hash, but I usually buy high street or 2nd hand, apart from wearing my own designs.

-How and when did your passion for fashion start?
-I have always had a creative mind, so it felt natural going in that direction when choosing education. I think “wearable art” when I make clothes, I like the combination of interesting design and wearability.

-What do you create?
-Ready to wear collection 2 times/year.

-Which is your creations style? How do you describe your collections?
-My design expresses a certain masculinity but also a fragile and feminine side of contemporary women’s fashion. Based in Scandinavian design tradition, it is an understated look with the focus on quirky details combined with wearability.

-How do your creations come into existence?
-Each season I find a new inspiration, e.g Music, contrasts of different women types, odd characters. I use this as a base for the collection, then the story and designs evolve gradually when I start working around the theme.

-Are your creations on sale?
-Since 2003 I have been selling to retailers. I sell through shops in Denmark, Sweden, Norway and Greece. Then also via web (www.stylepaste.com).
You can buy her creations on www.stylepaste.com
You can find Wackerhaus also on “Danish Fashion Institute web site”
Chi sono
Erica Ventura, fondatrice di StyleNotes.it, web writer, editor e blogger Amo il bello e provo a circondarmene in ogni aspetto della mia vita. Credo fermamente nell’utilità delle liste e che il mix vincente in ogni cosa sia composto da semplicità, equilibrio e un piccolo dettaglio a contrasto. La mia casa, il mio guardaroba e quel che metto nel piatto ne sono la conferma.

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