

Some days ago one of my readers, Emanuela from Italy, asked me to suggest her some outfits for the New Year’s Eve. The party will be in a restaurant with some friends and after the dinner there will be the possibility to dance.
The occasion is very particular so I’d like to suggest her something elegant and surely sparling; but she is also very young and she is very sensitive to cold, so I’ve created also an outfit with skinny trousers, even if I think that the perfect mise for this occasion would be a mini dress, heels, clutch.
Which one of these outfit do you think is the most suitable for a New Year’s Eve party?

Chi sono
Erica Ventura, fondatrice di StyleNotes.it, web writer, editor e blogger Amo il bello e provo a circondarmene in ogni aspetto della mia vita. Credo fermamente nell’utilità delle liste e che il mix vincente in ogni cosa sia composto da semplicità, equilibrio e un piccolo dettaglio a contrasto. La mia casa, il mio guardaroba e quel che metto nel piatto ne sono la conferma.

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