

Margot by Laura Vedani is an italian jewels brand; I’ve already interviewed the designer on Style Notes and now I want to show you her new collection for autumn-winter 2009-2010.
The collection has two different mood. The first called “Sky in Milan”, inspired to colours of a foggy morning in Milan: “A pale light filter through the thick grey clouds, everything is blurred and the air is humid. Suddenly a bright yellow sun appears in the sky and reflects on puddles in the streets, it lights tiny drops of water and stream, the air is cool and still”.
The second one is “Teatro alla Scala”, inspired to the famous theatre in Milan: “The dark red velvet decorations are symbol of luxury and elegance. Dames of the high society speak in a low voice in their refined evening dresses in the light of antique chandeliers. Colours are warm, …steps on high heels resound in the corridor. The audience takes place, the performance begins”.
My favourite is the collection in red; I love also the yellow one and how the designer explain its mood, because it is exactly how I see my city Milan.
AW 2009-2010 – “Sky in Milan”
AW 2009-2010 – “Teatro alla Scala”
Chi sono
Erica Ventura, fondatrice di StyleNotes.it, web writer, editor e blogger Amo il bello e provo a circondarmene in ogni aspetto della mia vita. Credo fermamente nell’utilità delle liste e che il mix vincente in ogni cosa sia composto da semplicità, equilibrio e un piccolo dettaglio a contrasto. La mia casa, il mio guardaroba e quel che metto nel piatto ne sono la conferma.

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